Thursday, October 11, 2012

Lessons Learned.

So I MAY have slacked a little on my blog posts. Sorry! I really have been super busy lately though! It's been almost a whole month! EEK! No excuses. This one will be long and strong. I'm gonna discuss some things I've learned since being out of school.

Here's the great thing about being out of school, when I come home from work I don't have to worry about homework or have that residual guilt from not spending every spare moment studying, reading, or doing paperwork. However, even though I don't have all that to worry about, it's still hard to find spare time to do things I always thought I'd have time to do after school. For example, scrapbooking! I have so much stuff to scrapbook with but I have yet to even get it out of storage. And all of those great DIY crafts I've found on pinterest... well I did one. I made a Halloween wreath! That's it though. =/ I have big plans for these things though and I'm hoping those plans dont' just stay plans!

Lesson #2 I've discovered after graduation: You definitely appreciate having a brand new car more when you get older. As I told you earlier, I wrecked my car Lucy a few weeks ago and she was totaled. =[ So I had to start looking for another car which will be part of lesson #3, but we'll get to that. Anyway, when I was 16 my parents got me a brand new car and I loved it! I was definitely thankful and appreciative, but I took it like any other 16 year old would have taken it, "Oh a new car! Cool!" Well, I got a brand new car to replace Lucy, and I've named her Lola.

Isn't she pretty? The car of course! Anyway, so driving Lola made me realize that having a brand new car now is a much sweeter experience than when I was 16. The new car smell alone gives me this tingly feeling. It also makes me very paranoid of other drivers, I'm scared they'll hit Lola and I'm constantly thinking, "NOT MY BABY!" Hopefully that part will wear off after awhile because my anxiety is ridiculous!
Lesson #3? I always assumed shopping for a new car would be awesome... the truth is it sucks! It's so stressful and toward the end I felt like saying screw it and just buy the cheapest piece of crap I could find. But it all worked out well and I'm very happy with Lola.
So Lesson #4 is finally something new nurse related. One of the most important things I've discovered about being a new nurse is how important it is to have a nurse buddy, or a couple in fact. Not just people you like that you work with, true blue friends. People who have your back at work, people you can rant to without fear of them spilling to others, people you want to hang out with outside of the hospital. Luckily I have a few of those, even one who is a fellow new graduate nurse. I don't even want to think about what my stress level would be if I didn't have my nursing buddies...

Lesson #5... you'll get there. When I first started working I had this panic that I would never be comfortable truly being on my own, without that preceptor or instructor backup. I was scared I'd be stuck in that nursing student mind set forever. However, the last month, and especially the last couple of weeks I'm finally finding my independence. I'm getting more comfortable making decisions and having faith in myself that they're the right ones. Now don't get me wrong, I'd probably still shit bricks right now in an emergency, I even have nightmares about it, but I'm getting there and you will too!

I promise I will try really hard not to make my next post take so long! :)