Saturday, September 15, 2012

The Art Of Smell

So if you've been a nurse for any amount of time at all, you'll notice that your sense of smell is ridiculously useful. For example, most people know the smell of feces... HOWEVER, nurses know what c.diff feces smells like. For those of you who have never smelled c.diff, then you are the blessed for sure.

Another example is something that I heard yesterday. We had a laboring patient come in saying she was having pains, when we checked her she was 9 and pretty much having the baby. Mass chaotic erupted then and it was less than 30 minutes I'd say before the baby was born. One of the girls was telling me that her vagina had a different smell. A quote, "not your normal nasty vagina smell, this was a different funky vagina smell".  You know that you're a L&D nurse when you can distinguish the smell of hoo-hahs. Turns out the patient tested positive for several drugs, but that's a whole other story for a different post... One day, when I have time to rant I'll discuss how bad the issue of drug head preggo's piss me off.

So anyway, there's another time smell plays a strong impact on your nursing skills, not just assessment either. In the case of extremely smelly vaginas or bodies for that matter, you are more on game with your skills because you definitely don't wanna lag around and experience that smell any longer than necessary. For example, my catheter skills are most on point when I know I'm going to have to hold my breath for an extended amount of time. Not to brag, but I can get a catheter in place in less than 2 minutes without ever breaking sterile field. Just sayin. :)

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Living the Eeyore Lifestyle Lately

So if you have ever watched Winnie the Pooh, which I'm hoping you have or you have truly missed out on your childhood, you're familiar with Eeyore. He is the adorable donkey who has this very down and out lifestyle. Everything always seems to be happening to him, even at times a single rain cloud hovering over his head.

For whatever reason he was always my favorite, which is strange since I've always been told I have this very bubbly, upbeat personality. Opposites attract I guess. The point to this rambling is that lately I've been feeling very sorry for myself because of everything that's been going on. Very much of an, "oh bother" attitude. I think I mentioned that my landlord is a little rude to me, and by little I mean a lot. Moving to the new apartment has been stressful because of that and also all the extra costs that you don't realize when you're a first time renter. I'm officially broke as a joke. I really haven't had the chance to enjoy my new nice paychecks like I thought I'd be able to. =[ Being a new nurse is stressful! But I still love my job, even though some days I feel like I have no brain left to function with. Also, I was in a wreck on Saturday. Thank God no one was hurt, and the only scratch I had was a chipped tooth from the airbag. It could have been so much worse and I was very blessed. The bad part is though that it ended up totaling my car. I had to say goodbye to Lucy, who I have had since I was 16, and I won't lie and say I didn't get emotional about it. Now I have to somehow find the money in my budget to get a new (more than likely used) car. Then I've had a lot of stress in my personal life too and I'm just feeling very overwhelmed and as if the world is coming down on me from all sides.

Well time to suck it up, Whitney. The world isn't after me and I live a very blessed life. This mopey attitude is officially gone and it's time to get back to the things that mean the most to me. God, Family, Friends, and my Health. Finally started back running and I'm not going to let any excuses get in my way.

So anyway, enough of that. Let's get back to nursing.

I love surgeries. If I could do it all day I would. Thursday was an INSANE day at work. We had deliveries back to back to back to back to back. And then a few more later that day. We're a relatively small hospital and to say this was a hectic day is the big understatement I can imagine.

The first c-section we had that morning was awesome. By awesome I mean bloody and crazy and hectic. I don't wanna give too many details, but this woman ended up bleeding a lot more than expected. The baby got stuck and vacuums and forceps ended up being used. It was crazy to see and the staff handled it perfectly. We did have an "OH SHIT" moment when the vacuum popped off once and went flying. It sprayed blood EVERYWHERE, hit the girl assisting right in the face (thank God for masks and eye shields), there was a PA student observing who had a big splash on her hat that she was completely clueless about... It was great and I was snickering behind my mask the whole time.

I've also had my first 'issue' with a doctor lately. I would like to think I'm good at a lot of things. Since starting L&D though, I'm especially great at catheters. Every patient gets one pretty much, and I've been the one doing them all pretty much. So I've gotten really good and really quick at it. Apparently one patient had some blood in her urine, however she's had a history of UTIs, and happened to have a lot of issues with her birth. When the doctor saw her urine though she said, "She's probably had some trauma, the new girl put her catheter in and she struggled with it a little bit." Excuse me? I think not. I think placing blame on others is ridiculous but it's something I'm gonna have to get used to. My job is to provide great care and be a patient advocate and that's exactly what I'm going to focus on. I love all the other doctors, they're great and really care so I'm just going to brush this off... this time.

Anyway, I work the next 3 so I probably won't blog again this weekend. I finally have internet and cable though so blogging is MUCH easier now! :)

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Freaking Out...

There's so much I wanted to write! I hope I remember everything!!!

Let's start with my apartment:

I love it! It's gorgeous and way too big for just me and Harlow (3br 2ba) but I couldn't pass it up. The landlord is a major bitch though. =\ But I figured I wouldn't ever be able to find another apartment like that, that's pet friendly and has such awesome neighbors. One is a fellow OB RN on my shift that I love and the other is one of my OB doctors. Who is a genius, but also reminds me a lot of Ben Stein. "Beuller... Beuller..."

As for how the apartment looks, it's empty. Still. I have my bedroom set and the two ugliest couches you can imagine. And that's it. No, really. That's it! At least my kitchen is pretty and fully prepared. That's the most important room anyway. I'm working on it though, about to make a big purchase in a few hours. A TV. I'm nervous! This is a big deal for me. I'm taking moral support lol.

Also, I'm in love with my job right now. My favorite thing has to be c-sections. The bloody awesomeness of them, how crazy busy/fast paced it is, feeling like I have an important role... I can't imagine ever getting bored of it. I got to help clear the uterus of clots the other day and it was amazing. You stick your fingers up the vagina and then apply firm pressure to the fundus and it pushes all the afterbirth out. Which happens to include giant liver sized clots sometimes! If this sounds disgusting to you, then never become an OB nurse I guess.

I also have been mostly independent lately. I'm really starting to feel like a nurse. I know what I'm doing and I'm starting to gain that confidence in myself.

I actually had two nursing students today and I loved it as well. I can definitely see myself being a nursing professor one day. I love how eager they are and I love seeing how excited they get when things finally click for them. It was super weird not being the one who was the student though!

Until next time! :)