Thursday, September 6, 2012

Freaking Out...

There's so much I wanted to write! I hope I remember everything!!!

Let's start with my apartment:

I love it! It's gorgeous and way too big for just me and Harlow (3br 2ba) but I couldn't pass it up. The landlord is a major bitch though. =\ But I figured I wouldn't ever be able to find another apartment like that, that's pet friendly and has such awesome neighbors. One is a fellow OB RN on my shift that I love and the other is one of my OB doctors. Who is a genius, but also reminds me a lot of Ben Stein. "Beuller... Beuller..."

As for how the apartment looks, it's empty. Still. I have my bedroom set and the two ugliest couches you can imagine. And that's it. No, really. That's it! At least my kitchen is pretty and fully prepared. That's the most important room anyway. I'm working on it though, about to make a big purchase in a few hours. A TV. I'm nervous! This is a big deal for me. I'm taking moral support lol.

Also, I'm in love with my job right now. My favorite thing has to be c-sections. The bloody awesomeness of them, how crazy busy/fast paced it is, feeling like I have an important role... I can't imagine ever getting bored of it. I got to help clear the uterus of clots the other day and it was amazing. You stick your fingers up the vagina and then apply firm pressure to the fundus and it pushes all the afterbirth out. Which happens to include giant liver sized clots sometimes! If this sounds disgusting to you, then never become an OB nurse I guess.

I also have been mostly independent lately. I'm really starting to feel like a nurse. I know what I'm doing and I'm starting to gain that confidence in myself.

I actually had two nursing students today and I loved it as well. I can definitely see myself being a nursing professor one day. I love how eager they are and I love seeing how excited they get when things finally click for them. It was super weird not being the one who was the student though!

Until next time! :)

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