Friday, August 31, 2012

I'm like an adult and stuff...

I officially have an apartment. My very first one! I'm kinda sorta majorly pumped about it. Right now my drive to work is about 50 minutes. This is absolute torture when you're working 7a-7p and you're not a morning person. I'm pretty much a zombie in the mornings. But anyway, my new apartment is only 5 minutes from the hospital! Yay!

Here's the thing about getting an apartment though, down payments are the devil! Not only is there one for the actual apartment, but then you have water, electricity, etc. I spent more money than I care to discuss. However, I do feel like I should be singing, "all the women who independent THROW YOUR HANDS UP AT ME!" I'm really looking forward to this stage of my life. Not the moving process though. =/ 

I did find out one of my neighbors happens to be an OB doctor on my floor! He's super sweet and his wife is baking me an apple pie as a housewarming gift! How adorable is that?!? My other neighbor is a nurse I work with that I LOVE! 

Here's another thing for all you nursing students, 6-8 hour clinicals go by SO MUCH SLOWER than 12 hour shifts when you're an official RN. Unless we have no patients, work flies by. So since I worked tonight and the next two days, please pray for a constant stream of preggo ladies! 

Short post I know, I promise a better one next time!

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