Friday, August 10, 2012

Big Girl Job

Hey y'all! 

This is my very first blog and I'm hoping that I keep up with it, but fair warning now I make no promises. ;) 

I graduated nursing school with my BSN in May, passed my NCLEX in June, and I start my very first job this coming Monday on the OB unit and I'm FREAKING out! First off, for all of you who are still nursing students or are considering becoming a nurse, let me be honest with you. When you hear people say it's a piece of cake to get a job right out of college, those people are stupid and you should throw rocks at them. Yes, I'm sure it's tons easier to get a job as a new grad nurse than a lot of other professions, but let me be clear when I say that it's still not easy. My advice now is to get a job as a tech somewhere to get your foot in, or start putting in applications months in advance of your set graduation date. 

Now that I've scared those even newbier than myself, let me also say that I'm feeling extremely blessed for my job. My heart has always laid in OB, and especially the NICU once I done my preceptorship there, but I knew that getting a job in this unit straight out of school is almost impossible. However, thanks to a great friend who talked me up a lot more than I'm sure I deserved, I'm lucky enough to start in OB on Monday! =D

I started this blog because everyone says your first year of nursing is the toughest and you quickly figure out that there are tons still that you don't know. I hope that by writing about my new nurse experience maybe I can help in any way at all other new nurses. Or possibly just bring others amusement at my trials and tribulations! Have a good weekend and I will update y'all on Monday about my very first day!

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