Monday, August 13, 2012

First Day!

Oops! I almost forgot...

So... My first day started off great! Someone surprised me with breakfast in bed! 😃 I spent the night with my friend, because he lives 45 mins closer to the hospital than I do. Then I go downstairs this morning to discover that my curling iron and my straightener are both at my house, and I have NOTHING to fix my hair with. PANIC! Boys will not understand the severity of this, but I know the girls will. It's your first day at a new job, you want to look your best. Also, my badge photo was to be taken today and how can I have bad hair on the thing that will be hanging from my scrubs for all of eternity? Besides that, I had photo ideas of myself in my scrubs, with my new badge, etc. to post on Facebook. Somehow, I managed to make my hair look somewhat presentable and made it on time!

Here's what they don't teach you in nursing school: how to make life decisions about 401(k)s, insurance, and tax deductibles. I fully believe there should be a class about this because I was definitely unprepared for the onslaught of decisions and paperwork I had to do today. I wish I could tell you something really exciting happened, but I can't. I spent 8 hours today filling out forms and signing my life away. The next three days are all apparently worse. :( Pray for me...

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