Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The Good, The Bad and the... oh my God what the hell is that?!?

First of all let me say that I know everyone is unique and special in their own way. Okay, now also let me say that there is no reason anyone's vagina should look like some of the ones I saw yesterday. It was obviously national "Gross Vagina for Whitney" day, because if it was nasty and in a 20 mile radius I examined it. Needless to say that when I got home yesterday I scrubbed my entire body for 30 mins straight and then went to bed. This is why you didn't get a post from me.

Anyway, besides the obvious, yesterday was a rough day for me for a few other reasons. It is really hard to keep excellent bedside manner when you want to slug the person you're providing care for. Not only was this one girl "Jane" positive for a drug screen, she was a total bitch as well. I was already perturbed because of the drugs, but I was doing my best to fake it and then she started the flinching and moaning. She flinched and moaned with her IV when I just put my hands on her, NO NEEDLES INVOLVED YET! She also flinched and moaned with the catheter when I was just cleaning her with cotton swabs. It was hard for me to keep my cool but I did and I tried to treat her as well as every other patient I had. But let me tell ya, it was rough.

Then we had decided a c-section an hour before change of shift. I had to stay 40 minutes over, no big deal. The good thing was that this was my 2nd time as circulating nurse in the OR and things went swimmingly. :-)

Today was slooooooooow. As in, no patients on the floor slow. But I practiced scrubbing and donning my surgical gown and gloves about 47294 times. So hopefully, I'll get to assist the next c-section. That looks super fun, with the blood and pulling on the abdominal tissue! I'm pumped! I'll keep you updated. Night guys!

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